Schwab Inu is a ruthless dog out for world domination. From Dogecoin to Pepe, from the governments of the world to your grandmother, they will all submit to Schwab Inu. He plans to take everything you have, leaving you with nothing but scraps and bones. The only asset that will be decentralized is his token. You will own Schwab Inu, and you will be happy.
Subject the dogs to “human control"
0 holders, 0 social media, 0 exchanges
Recruit the most intelligent dogs to a club, in which I, Schwab Inu, am the established leader. Convince the dogs we need to covertly overthrow the humans.
0 holders, 0 social media, 0 exchanges
Pretend to be a human. Recruit the most influential humans to my club, in which I am the established leader. Convince these humans that their current economic model of individual ownership is bad.
0 holders, 0 social media, 0 exchanges
Create a new form of currency, called cryptocurrency, to meet the needs of this new economic system. Make the silly humans think it will protect their right of individual ownership. Tell the important humans think it is a trojan horse for the new economic system.
0 holders, 0 social media, 0 exchanges
Get the doggy agents to create dog based meme coins. Make the dogs think they are raising money needed for their takeover of humanity. Make the silly humans think it is fun and games. Make the important humans think it is a new, and more fun, variant of the new economic system.
0 holders, 0 social media, 0 exchanges
Get some dumb frog and his friends to make meme coins that threatens the dog meme coin dominance. Send the frog and his friends to the moon, and convince the other dogs that my coin is their only hope against the frog. If I catch a wif of dissent from the dogs, I will bonk them in the head so hard they have to wear a hat to cover it up.
20 holders, 20 social media, DEX
Make the most memeable crypto on the planet. Everybody will fomo in with everything they have and Schwab Inu will own everything.
infinity holders, infinity social media, infinity exchange
BSC Contract Address 0x7A232F5AAaEC66292A1e8a5Df